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Creating  'Image' for Cleaning Companies
Since 2004


OMGosh are you ever going to look like a SuperStar.

If you are serious about always wanting to have applications to pick from so you don't hire out of desperation

If you want to actually get quotes thru your website instead of just having a site that sits out there and does nothing to pay for itself

If you want to be able to use your website in your marketing and show a level of professionalism that most of your competitors could only hope to do

If you want to wow customers, employees and all the prospective with convenience, information, examples

This is your package!

Check this out, skip all the boring stuff and go right to what makes THIS package different than the 5 or 7 page website packages.

Everything from the 5 page website package (listed below)


A Services

Quote or Estimate Page with a customized quote form

Employment Page with a customized application form

A Contact Page with a Standard Contact Form

PLUS any combination of five of the below:

  • A page to show off your testimonials and (solicit more of them!)

  • A page for your checklists

  • A Page for additional services and Project Work

  • Separate quote forms for Additional Services and/or Projects.

  • An About our Company page

  • An About Our Staff page

  • An About our Customers Page

  • A Gift Certificate Sales Page with a Payment area and Automatic Delivery page

  • A page where people can look at or print your flyers, brochures or latest newsletter.

Your Super Star Items Are Going To Include:

All the stuff listed above PLUS

You are going to have a place on your website where you can easily update (if you can fill out a form you CAN do this) your employment openings or explain what cities, areas, hours you are accepting applications for. 

A place where ALL of your MSDS's get stored.  You can read or print them when you need them, your customers have 24x7 access to them, your employees can NEVER say they lost theirs and didn't have a way to replace them, read them, on and on, your Insurance Agent had better say 'Wow, you do?' and in the event it EVER happens Emergency Room Staff can go right to your website and get the MSDS on the fly.

When we are done you will probably in all reality have more than 15 pages but no biggie, just promise you will remember when you are rich and famous!  

A few examples of Cleaning Companies using our 15 page website packages:


Are You Ready?













Found Our You Are Only Renting Your Website and If You Decide To Move The Template Remains The Property of Your Current Host?

In our opinion you are being ripped off

CleanOutlook.com customers OWN their website and all the files associated with it.

Because each website is custom created we don't use templates.

Because SEO is important to us we never use templates or drag and drop editors.

Paying over $19 a month for a website that you have to design and edit yourself?

Our site management programs starting at $20 a month include hosting and our staff does your edits and updates for you.